Friday, 14 October 2011

quotEs of friEndshIp..

Friends is a single soul in two bodies.

Do you know which is
 the best part of your life ?

Its simple when your
family understands
you as a friend and
your friends support
your as your family..

Friendship which one self's is
All important because
without it one cannot
be friends with anyone
else in the world

So here's  to..
the crap we talk
the guys we stalk
the way we shop
laugh we can't stop
the gossip we spill
the looks that could kills
we'll stay together
coz we're
best friends forever

Don't walk in front of me
i may not follow
Don't walk behind me
i may not lead
Walk beside me and
Be may friend

I cannot concentrate
all my friendship
an any single one
because no one is
complete enough in himself..

we need to stop
analyzing the past
stop planning
the future..stop trying to
figure out precisely how we feel
stop deciding with our mind
what we want our heart to feel
Sometimes we just have
to go with..
''Whatever happens-happens''

You're my best friend
You were from the start
Together we stand
and  we shall never part

We found a friendship
so powerful and true
That i know it'll last